Tuesday, March 9, 2010

In Progress...

In our last film class we spent most of the time in our individual groups working on our film assignment. Our genre is horror, which I think is the hardest genre to make a good film of, or at least a unique film. It doesn't help that none of us really know what we're doing. Though I have learned sooo much more than I knew so far this semester about film production, application is a completely different story. To be honest I am quite intimidated by the entire process, mainly because I don't want it to end up crappy. Sadly, however, with horror as our genre, we are running against the wind.

I know, I sound pessamistic right? Well this is just the little worry monster inside of me, but not to worry, I'm used to him by now. He's been there for every test, quiz and project I've ever even slightly cared about. The only difference here is he's sulking in this situation because it's all so new to me. This is his one chance to succeed by watching me fail. However, just like all, well most of those tests and quizzes, I will find a way to overcome the overwhelming.

Though horror is intimidating, it offers my position of camera man a wide variety of unique shots to capture an emotion. I am very excited about trying to make the audienc uncomfortable with different tilts, focuses, close ups and lighting. Sound is going to come into play majorly in our film too. Everyone has been in a theatre watching a horror flick when the character on the screen is quietly and stealthly creeping around the corner when BOOM! (something happens) It's gonna be fun to synchronize the two realms of sound and cinematography.

There are so many things to think about when it comes to making this film. Costumes, setting, lighting, sound, editing and dialogue are just a few. Getting it all together is gonna be a journey, but like at the end of every journey, there is a rewarding relief awating. Even if our film is cheezy, bring or funny I will be proud of it cause I'll know I tried my hardest. (and it was my first try) In all seriousness, it's gonna just be a blast, something I'll look back on and really appreciate. I can just see it now, Erin running down the hallway screaming and when she's done me saying, lets get it one more time. Then five screaming runs later we're all laughing on the ground, but we finally got the right shot. Just the whole experience is gonna be unique and honestly probably once in a lifetime. There's not much time to hold a camera in the world of medicine, so I'm gonna give it all I got now...for the hell of it.


  1. I get a great sense of fun, experimentation, and creativity from this post. I encourage you to put the stress monster in his cage and just see where the project takes you.

  2. I really think you can do a lot with a horror film. Even though it's supposed to be scary, you can always add a love story or a little bit of comedy here and there. Just don't make it too scary or I won't be able to sleep after our film festival! ;)
